Sunday, January 10, 2010


Dear friends and colleagues,

Till January 2010 Rumah Seni Yaitu: has been about four years and five months old. The space is for bridging and exploring visual arts in its cultural linkage. It was officially inaugurated by Prof. Dr. I Made Bandem who is Rector of the Indonesian Arts Institute of Yogyakarta on August 19, 2005. The space stands on an empty plot of land, a private property of mine.

I do not remember anymore what my basic motivation was when I built the space. But I deeply enjoy any kind of arts. And one thing is clear that the space has confiscated my whole energy and thoughts during the last five years’ time.

During that time many events had been performed. Visual arts exhibitions and discussions, contemporary music and theater performances, contemporary and documentary film screenings, book launches and discussions, and others. They gave a special color to the space and for Semarang in general. The space was also as an arena for exchanging ideas, enjoying the works of art, and a meeting room for artists with their audiences. Young local artists and international artists come and go. Audiences were present after another.

I decided to close the space for any arts events starting from January 2010. An art space will not be productive anymore when forced to be present continuously without enough attention or adequate support. Now Rumah Seni Yaitu: has completed its duties. Maybe the clossing is the best decision for the sake of our local arts communities.

I apologize if Rumah Seni Yaitu: could not meet any expectations of the art world. Thank you to anyone who has become part of the joy of living in the small space located in Kampung Jambe. I appreciate you very much.

Hopefully the presence of Rumah Seni Yaitu: is useful for the local art world. It is fair enough to look at the space as part of the cultural dynamics of the city.

Best Regards,
Tubagus P. Svarajati


Mary-Louise said...

Hai Pak Tubagus

Apa kabar? Apakah masih ada proyek seni encaustic di Semarang? Semoga kami akan kerja sama lagi.

salam hangat

Tubagus P. Svarajati said...

Halo Ibu Mary!

Saya baik-baik saja. Semoga Ibu juga baik dan sehat selalu. Hari-hari ini Semarang panas sekali.

Kokoh dan kawan-kawannya tetap berkarya encoustic. Tapi mereka agak kesulitan mendapatkan bahan-bahannya. Saya sudah anjurkan agar mencari di Yogya.

Saya tetap memantau mereka agar terus berkarya. Tentu saja saya gembira sekali jika mereka bisa terlibat kerja sama lagi dengan Ibu dan Cat.

Kapan ke Indonesia? Salam saya untuk Ibu dan Cat.

Tubagus P. Svarajati

sellykartika said...

Salam kenal Pak Tubagus :)
Tulisan-tulisan dalam blog anda sangat informatif..

mau tanya, saya juga dari semarang, dulu kuliah di undip...rumah seni itu sama dengan kampung seni di ungaran, bukan?

Tubagus P. Svarajati said...

Selly Kartika, salam kenal pula. Lokasi Rumah Seni Yaitu di Kampung Jambe 280. Tentu ia tidak di Ungaran. Dus, bukan seperti yang Anda kira.

Terima kasih untuk apresiasinya atas tulisan saya.

Tabik :)